Amazon Account Saga: A Wild Ride of Purchase Mishaps and Resiliency

Yes, thank you so much. As soon as you left that comment, I went and I ordered 18 twin mattresses with that fully funded card. Um, I then added another one to the list and that was just a couple hours ago and it’s already almost fully funded again. So this is wild. Uh, here’s what happened though. So uh, I called on Friday to clear this big transaction with my bank cause I was gonna use my debit card. And they were like, yep, you’re cool, good to go. Well, uh, I made that big 16,000 dollar order earlier today. Then I made a 2,000 dollar order with that gift card. And uh, I got an email that was saying there was a problem with my payment information on the debit card. So I went back and I said, okay, let me like it, let me edit the payment info. So I was like, okay, well I’ll just put a credit card in like, whatever. I don’t want it to cancel out the order. So I did that. And as I’m doing that, I get a phone call from Amazon. And Amazon’s like, there’s some sketchy shit going on in your account today. Is this you? And I was like, yeah, that, like, it’s all me. It’s good, we’re fine. I authorized it. Um, so I thought that was it. I thought we were good to go. About half an hour later, just a few minutes ago, I got Another email and it said, hey, uh, there’s some super weird stuff going on and some big purchases and we think you got hacked. Uh, we locked your account, it’s disabled, we turned off two factor authentication. The whole thing shut down. Um, and you have to wait two hours before you can do anything, before you can reset or anything. And we reversed all your orders today. Like, we just, we just cancelled everything and sent it back. So. Ha ha ha. And of course the gift card thing, they’re like, that’ll take two to three business days to be available again. So I don’t know. I’m about to leave. I’ve got to go to my mother in law’s, so I’m gonna be gone for a few hours. I don’t know. I’m probably gonna work on this when I get back home later. Uh, so this time I’m not just gonna reset myself. I’m actually gonna call Amazon and be like, hey, this is what’s happening. So, uh, anyway, y’all rock. I mean, by the time I post this video, y’all might have fully funded that second 2 thousand dollar gift card. It’s crazy the amount of stuff that y’all are knocking out. I mean, this is going so freaking fast and we’ve still got 13 days to go. Um, wild. Wild in the best way. Uh, I’m not even mad about the Amazon thing. We’ll figure it out. Even if I just have to wait a couple of Days and get it up. Like we’re gonna get it all done at some point. Um, I’m gonna circle back. Are we gonna get all that stuff bought again? Ha ha. We’re gonna get it taken care of. Alright. I just wanna try to keep you all updated as we go. Thanks.