Voicemail of a Broken Heart: A Song in 10 Minutes

Back with another 10 minutes song. Ah, you don’t know how much I’ve missed writing my little 10 minutes songs for you guys. But your girl’s been busy. Movie came out called descendants. I’ve been doing press for that, traveling all over. Also may or may not be working on an album, but I’m back and so excited. Okay, but anyway, I have 10 minutes to write a song using these three words. Let’s go, 4:33. I have 10 minutes. I kid you not. Two days ago, I was driving in my car. I always get little concepts that pop in my head. I had a concept of voicemail song where it’s like, hi, you reached the voicemail of a girl you once knew. You can leave a message. By the time I get this, I’ll be so over you. Like something in that world. This is such a cutie little track. The voicemail of a. I think it’s so cute to start the chorus with, hi, you reached my voicemail. Leave a message at the tone. Um, that’s all I got. Something like, hi, you reach the voicemail, leave a message. I don’t know. Something like that. Okay, so I feel like I have most of my chorus, but I’m stressed because I only have six minutes. Very much into the storytelling of it all, and just based off of, like, the first few lines in the chorus, feels like being someone who’s on the receiving end of a Breakup. The other person, in a sense, feels like they kind of have the power cause they’re the one that broke it off. And then they feel like they can be the one to also come back in. And my girlies, anyone who has ever been in that situation where I’m sure you’ve had an ex person come back and it’s like, no, no, no. Don’t get to pick and choose, okay? You made your decision. Stand on that. Wrote my verse quickly and I got crazy in there. I don’t have a pre chorus or lazy. I’m quite stuck at the moment. Upsetting. When you said you weren’t ready lazy, I just choked on an m M. I was eating m m’s. Literally a minute left. I still don’t have lazy, but just gonna like try an outro or like a post course and just try to fit lazy in there somehow. Time’s up. Here it is. I hope that you guys like it. We’ve had better days. It’s like all the sunny skies have turned. When I’m looking at my phone. Mystery. Broke up in a text cause you’re so