The Elite Four Challenge: Battling Through with My Unlikely Team

Round three of trying to beat the Elite Four. And this is my team so far. I don’t know. I don’t know. I’m gonna try to evolve this driftloom. And there we go. We got driftloom. Probably my ace. Probably my ace. Crandor’s come on. 66%. And we got a rampardos. Let’s see if turtwig can evolve. I don’t think so. Oh, he does it. Never doubt turtwig. Okay. Let’s clean a house with a totodile. But let’s do it. Let’s do it. Okay. There we go. Uh, Bertha is up next. Um. I think Golem and Sudobudo will be our biggest, biggest, uh, foes right here. But let’s go with the drifblim. Oh! 22% and still wins. Okay. Let’s send him back in. Oh, quagsire. Okay. It was a. It was a battle well fought. Um. The hippo goes down and. Oh, 49%. That’ll do it. Okay. Um. Tortoise maybe. 66%. Okay. And let’s. Let’s throw him in there again. Hundred and thirteen percent. There we go. There we go. On to Flint. Flint could be problematic. Let’s do Togepi. 64. Okay. Okay. Um. Driftblim goes down. Okay. And rapidash. Oh, 18. We still do it at 18. Togepi is kind of crazy. Lowpuni. Oh, I. I think I found the answer. 14%. Imagine it wins at 14. Okay. I think Drifblim could win that. Right? 47. No. Um. Maybe Tortorella. Tortorella. 64%. There we go. Okay. Okay. Onto Lucian. Here we go. Um. Let’s go. Yan. Yanmega. There. We go! Okay. Okay. Let’s send him in again. 65% oh, okay. Uh. Togepi maybe 58. Okay. Okay. Togepi. I see you. I see you. Throw you in again. Oh, okay. This is a tough battle. Drifblim 77 there we go. There we go. Let’s send them in again. 41 oh, you’re gonna be tough. Let’s do Tortola. 41 again. We do it! Okay. And listen in the Hanchoro. 65%. There we go! We’re on to Cynthia. Let’s go! Okay, so I’m going to send in the yanmega first. 53% took down the Rose Raid. Is this it? Togepi 37 we still win! Oh, okay, good. I need the Togepi for the guard champ. Let’s send in Tortorella. 31. The tortoise. Okay. That gastrodon’s gonna be tough. 74 though. Never mind. Never mind. Hold up. Uh. Rampardos. 27. Yeah! Yeah. Okay. Okay. Um. Houndoom! Houndoom 53 yes! Yes! We’ve got the lead! Uh. Yanmega 32 oh! Lucario is messing us up. Maybe. Drifblim 53 yes! Okay, Togepi. Let’s do it! Let’s do it! 96 we are the champion! MVP! Togepi! We’re emoting on Cynthia now. Let’s go!