Top Moisturizing and Protecting Skincare Ingredients for Dry and Flaky Skin

These ingredients are keratolytic, so they go in and they kind of dissolve the glue between the dry flaky skin, smoothing things out. And many of these ingredients are also humectant, so they improve the water content in your outermost skin barrier. For example, uh, Gold Bond has an excellent diabetic skin relief lotion with urea. But there’s also Eucerin Intensive Repair, another fantastic option. I also really love amlactin. It has ammonium lactate, which is basically lactic acid. Now some people don’t really care for the way that that smells, but it certainly is an effective option. The brand Alpha Care has a glycolic acid body lotion that also is excellent for hydrating up dry flaky skin. If you’re dealing with a lot of chafing, I suggest looking for a skin protectorant. This can definitely help cut down on those frictional forces that lead to the build up of thickened flaky skin. And whether it be on your ankles or in between your thighs, there are many options out there. I already mentioned Vaseline petroleum jelly. It’s a skin protectorant, but it’s not something that is so comfortable for everybody to be using between their legs and going about their day. Especially if you live somewhere hot and humid, you may not care for that. Alternatively, they make dimethicone based skin protectants that are excellent for reducing chafing. I am a huge fan of monistat chafing cream. It is basically a dimethicone skin protectant. There’s also the LA Roche Posay Cicaplast Balm. That too is a dimethicone skin protector. Another excellent option for cutting down on those frictional forces that aggravate a dry skin. Now, if you have an underlying skin condition like atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, keratosis, pilaris, IT Tinea Versicolor, check out my videos on those skin conditions because I give very specific tips for those things. And of course, check in with your dermatologist.