The Deliverance: A Gripping Horror Thriller with Stellar Performances – Movie Review

Yo this movie pissed me off but it was good as hell here’s my movie review on the deliverance spoiler free alright so out of 5 stars I get this movie four and a half out of five the only reason why it’s not a complete five is because I felt like for the middle and the end it was drying it was drying and another thing I hate just with horror movies in general is when the main character don’t believe what’s going on even though they have all the evidence point into the truth but besides all that this movie was good and when I tell you everybody did a good job everybody did a good job down to the kids everybody play their part well the movie kept you invested with the characters the characters were believable uh it had a right amount of jump scare suspense thriller to it uh the right amount of Gore and when it came to the horror scary scenes they did it well and shout out to Lee Daniels he really did his thing in this movie I like the fact that black people are getting more into the horror film and SCI fi but if you haven’t seen this movie yet go check it out right now it’s on Netflix the deliverance and if you have seen it let me know what you thought about it