Building Lasting Relationships: The Three Essential Components

Lasting relationship comes down to three things. And it really doesn’t matter whether this is a personal relationship, whether it’s a business relationship. There are three components to a team that is aligned and stays together. Number one, they have a shared vision. Okay. In order to have a shared vision, you must first have a what? Vision. And as a leader, you need to have a crystal clear vision for what you’re about. Notice I did not say it needs to be grandiose. I did not say it needed to be massive. It just needs to be clear. Sometimes people think that their visions aren’t worth it because they’re not massive. Start where you’re at, but make sure you have a vision. Make sure you absolutely clear about what you’re about. The clearer you are, that’s gonna seep into everything you do. The second part to that is make sure you’re clear about your values. What are deal breakers for you? What things are you willing to work with? What things aren’t you willing to work with? But you want to have clear values. And then the last thing is you want to have an effective way to deal with conflict on your team. How often do we see petty drama break teams apart? All the time. Cause we’re not effective communicators.