Unlocking Success in Goat Farming: Expert Insights and Strategies for New Farmers

So there is a saying in Ghana that there are so many ways to kill a cat. Now when it comes to starting a farm or starting a goat farm, does that same theory apply? Let’s ask Gloria. Gloria, what do you think? Yes, I agree to an extent. There are several ways you can kill a cat, but also at the end of the day, if you don’t adapt the right way and the cat escapes, it will end up scratching your face. So, um, in terms of building a goat farm, you can adapt several methods which we encourage new farmers that you can start from your backyard, you can start with one or two goats, but yet still at a point you need to skill, you need to see the profit and this is where we encourage all farmers to adapt the right concepts to know the critical areas that you need to consider if you really want to skill your good farm and make very good profit. And these are things that we are going to teach you in our next webinar happening on September 29th guys, you can’t miss it. We will teach you about land, the facilities, the breeze, the quality breeze that you, how you can select quality breeze, the nutrition, the health, the infrastructure. Guys, you can’t miss this. Adapt the right concept before you end up getting a cut scratching your face.