Pricing Strategies for Personal Trainers: The Pitfalls of Discounting

Jace the uh old discounting model it’s a fan favourite um, and I know that you absolutely love it not but most pts from what I’ve understand and what I’ve seen is that they run the the 2 session model so you do a 90 dollar for your first session and then they will charge you 80 dollars for your second PTA session or something similar to that what’s your advice to people that run that particular model? Stop fucking doing it to be honest um, however, it’s a common thing in the industry monkey see monkey do people come in but when I ask people why you’re discounting uh uh they can’t answer answer that I was so and so told me to do it you know you gotta know your numbers and your figures so I don’t get why you would discount the same amount of work you’re gonna do uh and if you worked it out the equation is is that when I sit down with the PT and I go well you’re discounting all these sessions say they discounted 20 sessions and it’s discounted by $10 cause people are doing two sessions that’s $200 a week they’re missing out on for doing the same amount of work take that for a month that’s $800 times it over a year we’re talking about 10 grand times it over 10 years that’s 100 grand that you’re missing out on for doing the same amount of work so the Reality is, is that if you like working harder for less, do that model. Keep discounting. If you like the idea of value adding and putting a proper price on your time, do that. So if you wanna be paid, get paid $80 per session. Get $80 per session. It’s not rocket science, right? So this discounting is, is, is something that has just entered their industry and people don’t understand why they’re doing it. They listen to others. They copy others. And as a result, they’re missing out on income. So if you wanna get $80 a session, maybe make your first session $90. So then if you do two sessions, you’re discounting it to 80, but that’s the price you actually wanna get paid. Or just don’t do it at all. Charge what you wanna get. That would make sense. Yeah.