Rumchata Pineapple Upside Down Pancake: A Decadent Delight

Because I’m extra and do the most, I decided to make a rumchata pineapple cream upside down pancake. You heard me right? So let’s get into this rumchata pineapple upside down pancake. The leeway. I saw this new rumchata at the liquor store so I grabbed it up. Grabbed some pineapple slices as well. To my mixing bowl. I mix unsalted butter 5 minutes, then added in white and brown sugar and continue to mix. I grabbed my pineapple and vanilla extracts, added them into the mixture along with cinnamon, nutmeg, and my eggs one at a time. Mixed it up. Then I added my flour, salt, and baking powder in three parts, alternating with rum chowder and heavy cream and ending with flour. It should be smooth like this. In my thoroughly sprayed bump pan, I added brown sugar and cinnamon, some pineapples and maraschino cherries, then added the cake mix on top of that. I made my rum chowder and pineapple juice glaze. After my cake baked for 1 hour and 30 minutes. At 3:25 I added the glaze like this for razzle dazzle and Bam! You have this rumchata pineapple upside down pancake. The leeway. Better get one cause I ain’t sharing the recipe. Toodles!