The Burping Lesson: A Humorous Dialogue Between Jack, Mimi, and Amy

Jack, if you burp, you will get sick. Jack, if you burp, you will get sick. Haha! You will not get sick if you burp. When you burp, and that means you’re full of eating food, and that means you gotta stop. That’s what it means. Mimi, what is wrong with you? Jack’s being nice. He’s teaching you. I don’t want him to. I want to take my Ewan. You know what you cannot teach your shitty old self. Well, teach Jack something. I, I know more than you. So you. So there’s nothing to teach me. She might could teach you something. Amy, what did you learn at school today? Um. Learn everything. Now that is not true. She probably did learn something. Maybe not everything. She might have got the word confused. No, I Learned everything. Oh. What? What did you learn? That’s a story. Learn everything. We do not tell stories. How much can you count, Amy? One, two, three, four, five. I know you. I’ve heard you count to five. I’ve heard you count higher than five. Three. You counted to 20 before five. Can you count with 20 by yourself? 21, two, ten. That is not how you count the toys. I can count a lot higher than you. 1, two, three, four, five. One, two, three, four, five.