Bringing Awareness to the Risks of Deepfake Technology and the Importance of Regulation

I know we love making those like AI videos where you get to like imagine hugging our younger self imagine hugging a relative who passed away like they’re all cute and everything but we should probably stop doing them I know that technology is like super cute but if we keep using that technology it gets better and better at like recognizing our faces or specifically your face which means that people have it to do bad things with people already have a hard time identifying regular AI images but defects are getting increasingly common and increasingly good while still being incredibly unregulated means that really bad people can have your image do really bad things with from making videos of you doing crimes that you didn’t commit to doing you know adult video stuff and as there are reports of police officers using AI to solve crimes and being really bad at it we really don’t want this technology getting out of hand it might be all funs and games and cutesy for us but at the end of the day this is technology gathering data and the more data we give it the better it gets so we should actually be advocating for some laws to put a handle on this but in the meantime just be wary of how many of those like cute little videos you’re making cause like they’re cute to look at here but like it might not be so cute down the line