Building a Successful Real Estate Photography Business: The Blueprint to Making 50K a Month

If you wanna make 50 K a month as a real estate photographer, you have to be willing to lose clients. But you have to do a couple other things as well. So the goal is 50 K. Number one, you cannot do this yourself. You will have to figure out how to actually build a team that can do the stuff you do. And a lot of people think that’s not possible, but it is if you train right. Number two, you have to actually build systems, and good systems. You can’t scale stuff that’s in your head. You have to put it into a process that, like I said, your team can follow. And then number three, like I said, you have to be willing to lose clients. And what I mean by that is some clients are holding your business back because you’re so worried about building your business for them and making sure they like your business. You have to be willing to break things to grow the next level. But the key is not to lose all of your client