Inflammatory Remarks and the Human Brain: The Jury’s Dilemma

I don’t know how often you guys have been to jail or watch law and order, but sometimes the judge will say to the jury, disregard that statement. The jury will disregard. That’ll be stricken from the record. But they will not disregard it at all, cause that’s not how the human brain works. Cause it was probably the most exciting thing they’d heard definitely that day. Like, you’re a murderer. Okay, we’re gonna ignore that, guys. Yeah, I don’t know if we will. What if they don’t? What’s the punishment? They go to jail. What are you in for? I regarded a statement I was told to disregard. What are you in for? Something similar. Violence. Okay, they shouldn’t tell the jury to disregard. They should just let the other team make an equally inflammatory remark in exchange. Right? He’s a murderer. That lawyer’s got a small dick. Whoa, can’t we just work this out? Let’s sidebar. Chambers, plea bargain. Strike that.