Adventures with Hennessy: A Hilarious Tale of Mayhem and Madness

Hennessy, stop grabbing the phone. No, Hennessy. This is Hennessy. Is it Hennessy in the video? Okay, are you ready, Hennessy? Ready? One, two, three, go! All right, are you ready? One, two, three, go! Achoo! Achoo! Oh, forgot to take my allergies. Woohoo! There’s a flying in the trees! Woohoo! Henny, go, Henny, go, go, go, go, Henny! There’s Ferrari in the sky! Really high Ferrari, Honey Boo Boo! Oh, my gosh! Look at her, look at her, look at her! What the heck? There comes Tennessee. Here comes Ferrari! Nice flying, guys. Yeah, that was good. Did you hear the motorcycle or something? I don’t know. Nice job. High five. Give me high five. I don’t get a high five. High five, Hennessy. Okay. Oh. High five, Hennessy! High five, Hennessy! High five. You just want. Why do you just want my fingers in your mouth? Why do you just want my fingers?