Maximizing Sales: Utilizing the Four Step Conversion Process for Effective Results

Best way to sell the 1K? I would use the four step conversion process to push you a call. So conversion point number one is that you include a call for onboarding for every person who signs up. No. 2. You DM everybody in the group and you ask them if they have any questions and you can set them via DM to buy something else. Version point No. 3 is that you have a weekly Q&A call, which you do as, uh, kind of like a webinar. Don’t think about slides, just think like, provide a lot of value, make a soft toss. CTA about your your main thing where you help them personalize this. Number four is that you have the VSL or webinar that does have slides. So this is one that you would want to script in the modules in order as the first thing that they consume, the five modules will be your introduction, meaning your origin story and the opportunity at large. Big concern number one about the universe or circumstances or conditions. Big concern number two about other people who are gonna get in their way. Big concern No. 3 about why they’re not good enough. And then finally the CTA for them to buy more shit from you. So if I’m you, I would probably run it to a free group, run this for conversion points to get into my paid group. Done.