Tasha’s Delish Tomato Pie Recipe: A Cheesy and Flavorful Creation!

Tomato pie. Let me show you how to make it. The Tasha’s way. Delish. Get you two cups of cheese. I’m using mozzarella and sharp cheddar. Puh. I chopped up half of an onion. Get you four garden maters. You need four pepper to taste basil. We’re going to chop it up about 6 7 leaves. Oregano. All I do is take the leaves off like that. Fourth of a cup of some mayonnaise. Get you 1/2 I crust. It’s still frozen. Get you a little bit of your cheese mixture. Put it down and spread it. Get your tomatoes and start piling them around. Mix to mix it around. We are going to bake until our pie crust is done. And mailed it in. Crispbeth