Maxine’s Revenge: The Full Coverage Concealer Review You Need

we’re talking concealer. can you see the difference? bright, awake, effortless. but would you guess that I have makeup on mmm mmm darker- see? the purple, the burgundy, just don’t look as well rested.. maybe a little under the weather even. this is just, fresh- vacation! have you been napping? (and this is my droopy lid) all right, I couldn’t handle it anymore- I finally thought I should come and talk to you guys about Maxine’s Revenge. I’ve been using it for months now I actually had the good fortune of being the makeup artist that did her campaign so I tried these formulas on every skin tone and on every texture and watched it perform for over 12 hours under hot light for everyone this is a full coverage concealer but it’s a serum hybrid and that means that it’s going to stretch versus settle and the hybrid part of it is it is 69% hydration think (see, look at that) think: ceramides, good for your skin think: if your eye cream and your concealer had a baby without getting ooey and gooey so even with my hooded lids I can apply this and not even put a shadow on it and it’s gonna stay in place my favorite part it’s 7% blurring so see all my little wrinkles and crinkles and even on my lids it’s gonna bounce light out and reflect so it’s that time of year we’re seeing new concealers everywhere I’ve been a makeup artist 30+ years former beauty editor I still contribute to the magazines this is all I’ve used look at my neck for those of you that have concerns with areas on your neck because you know makeup on your neck woo hoo you can always see it looks like you’re trying too hard even with a tiny brush I can just blend it right in it’s gonna cut the redness it won’t settle and all those lovely necklines but it’s gonna hydrate at the same time so my face will match my neck cause I have problems there Maxine’s Revenge- guys give it a shot