The Power of Starting Young: How a 15-Year-Old Entrepreneur in Thailand is Making $800 a Month from His Personal Brand

So get this right, I was on Instagram and I saw this kid who’s 15 years old from Thailand. He has 388,000 followers on Instagram. And essentially I went to his school community and he’s making $800 a month, right? Just selling how to grow a personal brand community. And the thing that I got me with this was that these kids are starting young. And I get people who I go on calls with who are 30 years old, who are 28 years old, telling me that they’re scared to go online and make money when a 15 year old kid literally is doing $800 a month. Guys, the one thing I wanna focus on and really highlight in this content piece, what you’re watching right now is that you can start tomorrow. The only thing that’s stopping you is you and the limiting beliefs that you put on yourself that you can’t make money online or you can’t go online and start a business because you are good enough and you are ready.