Inappropriate Behavior in Online Streaming Communities: A Cautionary Tale

Hey, can we. Oh my god, can we not do politics? Like, chat was talking cause I’m streaming and I just don’t wanna cause any diver. I didn’t even say anything. You’re streaming? What’s your stream? So I’m gonna report it, dude. Yeah, that’s weird, bro. now I’m not gonna tell you cause you just said you cannot afford it. You just. I’m not gonna tell you now. You realize that, right? I would have told you but. You fucking weirdo. Um, Teresa, I’m totally okay with like backing out of this game. Someone on this team making you uncomfortable or something? Cause I’ll. I’ll friend request you when we play together. Yeah, chat. Oh my god, you guys are weird. Chat, there’s a girl in my game that’s uncomfortable. We’re gonna, uh. We’re gonna add her and I’m gonna. Didn’t say I was uncomfortable, but I mean, yeah, she didn’t say she’s uncomfortable. You fucking weirdo. You’re weird. Listen to your voice. That’s what’s uncomfortable. Oh, cool. Yeah, let’s make fun of the famous streamer. What did you say? You’re a home? No, I said famous streamer. Oh, they said homeless once is one thing, but you gotta. You said that on purpose and now I can report you. Are you gonna ban me? If ban me. You can’t do it. You’re gonna report him now? I’m definitely reporting him. Did you hear what he said there? Oh dude, you can’t ban me. I’m on PlayStation. Try it. You can’t stop me, bro. Well, contrary to the belief that you currently hold, is that I can’t actually physically ban you. I can report you, though. I’m leaving.