The Confusion and Complexity of Parenthood: A Reflection on the Decision to Have Children

You’re gonna have to stay and listen to the whole thing. But sometimes the idea of people having kids confuses me. You’re opting in to bring something that doesn’t exist into the world, that is going to drain your bank account, that is going to probably be rude to you for a lot of different points of their life. That is going to drive you insane. That is only going to bring up challenges. You get what I’m saying, though? Like, selfishly, there’s a part of me that’s like, why would anybody want kids, right? But then like the giving, nurturing, like loving side of me is like, obviously you want kids, but like selfishly and like practically like it seems like a bird more of a burden like it no. And obviously it’s like amazing like you have your own little person to like love and nurture. But like when you think about it, like it’s kind of crazy that like everyone’s like, yeah, let me just like bring this thing into the world that doesn’t exist yet. I’m just gonna like elect to do that. I’ll let it take all of my money. I will let it disrespect me. I will do whatever and people want that. People like aspire for that. Like, thank God for my parents. Like, I don’t know why anybody would just choose to bring in this like, thing that’s really just like always been and frankly still is a hassle, aka me.