Battle of Wit: The Funny Showdown

Bro, who do you think is funnier? Between me and you, bro, I’m funnier, my friend. Get out. It’s me. We already know who is funnier. It’s me. Hmm. Bro, I’m funnier. There’s only one way to decide this. Let’s go. Pick one. Splash, cash or hash. I’ll go for hash. Hash. Are you sure? Yes. Let’s go. Best person to laugh has to smell the smelling salt. Let me go first. Dad jokes. What do you call a laughing motorcycle? What? A Yamaha ha ha, ha, ha, ha ha, bro, what? Yamaha ha ha, ha, ha ha. Don’t you know Yamaha? The bike? No. You go next. When does a dark joke become a dad joke? When? When it goes out for milk and never comes back. Damn it.