Mastering the Art of Strutting: How Confidence and Energy Can Transform Your Interactions

when I was in line at the grocery store today there were a couple of older women who I was chatting with and I said like you gotta strut around and they said I don’t think I know how to strut and I said baby girl let me show you and I figured I could tell you guys this information as well cause it was valuable for me if you strut around a place like you own the place people think that you own the place and I don’t mean that in like people think you’re rich kinda way but people will be magnetized to your energy and this is something I’ve Learned from having a mood disorder okay when you’re high people wanna be there when you’re low people want nothing to do with you so if you’re out and you’re like looking down and making yourself small people are gonna get in your way and they’re gonna take up your space but if you walk in like you own the place and you’re looking above everybody else’s eyeline and you’re just going for what you’re going for people are gonna stop you they’re gonna stop you and they’re gonna tell you how beautiful your outfit is or something regardless of what you’re wearing you’re wearing sweatpants and a fricking tank top people are gonna compliment you on stuff you walk around like you own the place you’re gonna see people starting to respond to it so to all of y’all who wanna be seen wear one thing that people can comment on when they recognize that energy that you’re putting out and I promise you people will start to compliment you on that thing they don’t even care about the thing they just are picking up what you’re putting down and as someone whose mood fluctuates from one day to the next this is one of the only things that I know to be extremely real