Finding Fur-ever Homes: The Journey of Mister Maple and Friends

and this is my guide dog Mister Maple okay so far thanks to your sleuthing we found Mikey he is an Assistance Dog of Hawaii working at a hospital and guess what? we found Marathon! Marathon lives in California with his puppy raiser the puppy raisers have the option to adopt a dog if it’s not chosen to become a service animal they call him “Mear Bear” and his best friend is an Emotional Support cat this is a children’s book that I would absolutely read we still have to find let’s see if I can do this… Major Mascot Matrix Murdock and Madrid we think we know where a few of them are but stay tuned lots more to come I can’t believe we’re doing this! as many of you know I lost my only sibling my brother two years ago he was my big brother he was such a dog lover he would have loved this so much I feel like really connected to my brother through this experience I feel like he’s here with me smiling down on this whole thing and… uh yeah so let’s just keep it up I’m really excited to find the to find the next dog let’s keep this going! thank you guys