Rules of Engagement: The No-Nonsense Guide to Marriage and Consequences

And what. What’s up with all this? Getting a divorce after 10 to 20 years? What’s up with that, huh? Does till death do us part mean nothing to y’all? Cause, see, if I get married, somebody gonna die. Ha ha ha. If you don’t wanna be with me no more, you gonna have to die about it. Babe, I’m telling you, you just gonna have. I’m not putting up with this. See, if I ever get married, one of my rules, my number one rule even before, is don’t piss me off. Don’t. Please. Please. That’s all I’m asking. Do not piss me off. Okay, so if I get married, how we gonna fix that one? Whenever you do piss me off, which you shouldn’t be doing that anyway, you have your own room. That’s a rule of mine. So if you feel like you wanna get a divorce from me, cause it’s the. It’s about if you want a divorce. Because if I want a divorce for you, you won’t get the fuck out. But if. If you want a divorce from me, we’re not doing that. You go to your room, okay? I’ll see you in a month. That’s how we gonna do that? Getting a divorce after 10 plus 20+ years? What are we doing after that? What you think is out here? Nothing. Ain’t nobody out here to compensate for them 10, 20+ years that you the fuck speak with somebody. So, bitch, you get In that fucking room and you sit down or you gonna die.