Chimichurri: The Ultimate Dominican Burger Recipe with a Twist

So today we’re making a chimichurri. The Dominican way, boy. No, my way. And a chimichurri is the ultimate Dominican burger. But first we need to hurry up. And we say as soon as an adobo, which is now available on all wholesome near. Yummy. Hint. The nationwide, it’s the first time they have a all Latino own Sazon up in their shell. So y’all decided, I mean, y’all better go and get. Yes, but a pool. Let’s get to this recipe. I’m using some ground beef. I season it with Luis as a son adobo, tiny bit of black pepper, garlic powder, salt to taste the Mexican oregano. And I’m going to use a stove top grill to cook those. While those are cooking, I went ahead and chop my hip hop yo, some onion and some tomatoes. And if you don’t have bandeiga, just go to the deli and ask for a roll. That’s going to work. Okay, but I’ll toast it up with some Mayo ketchup. Put your hip hop, yo, are you chiming burger in there, some onions, tomato. I also added some Dominican fried cheese up in there. More Mayo, ketchup. Serve and enjoy.