Traveling from LA to Florida: A Day of Adventures and New Experiences

Hey, y’all come along with me for a travel day from LA. 2 thirty eight in Florida. You know, I had to do a 3:00am wake up call for a 3:30 Uber. At least there was no traffic and I made it to the airport. I typically do aisle seat, y’all, but today I did choose window as I was trying to get some shut eye on the plane. Got to see that gorgeous sunrise. I had to bring my heart pillow and my sleep mask. And my layover today was in Kansas City, Missouri. I’ve never been here before. They do not have a chick fil A at this airport, but they did have a pet relief station. Okay, now onto my next flight headed to Panama City. Very healthy lunch. Sipped on a little bit of that. Good, good on the plane, some ginger ale. And then Tia and Gus Glenn were here to pick me up. Gus seemed very excited, but you know, with him, you have to be real careful. You can typically look but not touch too closely or he will bite. We had barbecue for dinner, soaked in these gorgeous beach views before going on an evening walk. And then I had to head to bed. I was completely exhausted.