Ranting On Reaching 100K: Embracing Authenticity and Persistence in Influencer Journey

Hey, guys, I’m gonna be ranting real quick, so I’m about to hit 100 K. I don’t know when. I’m not gonna put a time period, stamp, point, dot on it, but I just know, um, that’s gonna happen. Going on this sad ass Tangent about how I felt like, you know, my followers aren’t matching my engagement and, you know, should I stop? And I don’t feel motivated to post because I don’t know if y’all know, but I’m not in no creator fund. I do not get paid to post unless it is a paid collab. So that means I’m not getting paid off commission. I don’t ever do that. And even when they do offer, I still say no. Because I honestly feel like I don’t care how much sales I make. I’m not that good at telling someone to buy some shit that I know I wouldn’t even buy. I’m not gonna do it, and I’m not gonna promote a product. That’s ass. That’s just me. I don’t care. So she’s like, what am I even doing this for? That’s when I start question myself. Then I stopped and I told myself, you know, sitting, why did you blow up in the first place? You know, I blew up strictly by me just doing my hair. And I edit Revlon because I was just like, you know, I really do love this brush, and I want people to know about this brush. That shit blew up. So fucking fast. Right now, I think that video stands at like 3.2 million views or like 5.5 million views right now. And she’s like, that alone speaks volumes. I literally posted that shit just to help the girlies out with hair inspo and, you know, hair videos. And I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been doing this for so long, besides me hopping on TikTok two years ago, the. The amount of followers I’ve gained within a year, two years is insane. I’ve been making hair videos actually since I was 14:15. And that was before TikTok exist. You know, I’m saying, like, I mean, TikTok did exist, but I wasn’t on there. And this just goes to show. Just keep posting that fucking content. I was going on this whole Tangent talking about. I’m just gonna stop, but then I realized, like, Rome wasn’t built in fucking day. Bitch, you didn’t blow up in a fucking day. It took you a minute. So I don’t know. But besides that, I’m going to start this new series called Girly Talks where I’m gonna be talking about all these type of things, you know, I did started a minute ago, but it really didn’t get that much views. But I really don’t care about views anymore. I’m just gonna start posting whatever my heart desires. Cause I try to fit inside this niche, but we’re breaking out of it. Okay, um. And that’s it. That’s all I want to rant about.