Building Trust and Cuddling with Your Horse: A Guide to Bonding with Your Equine Companion

I love you. I always start when they’ve laid down on their own, and then I just sit next to them and hang out and help them get comfortable with me being there. And then I just lay down, and pretty shortly after, they almost always follow suit. And I just kind of help guide them to let them know that it’s okay that I’m there and it’s fine. No big deal. And then we just kind of readjust till everybody’s comfy and Bam! Get a little snuggle sesh with your pony. I only have one horse who won’t do this with me, but three out of four will cuddle with me and lay on me and use me as a pillow, within reason, of course. It’s really fun. It’s. This is one of my favourite moments of horse ownership. But don’t be frustrated if your horse won’t do this. For some horses, it can take a really long time to build to this level of relationship with them. And that’s totally fine. There’s nothing wrong with you or your horse. Some of them just don’t like this level of physical contact with humans. And that’s fine, too.