Kitten Weight Loss Journey: Harness Training and Night Walks

My kitten is obese, and the only solution I can think of is teaching her to go for walks. Look at how cute she is in her harness. Oh, she wanna go for a walk with her mama. You like your harness? Hmm? I got her brother a harness, too, and he did not like it. Not one bit. You can go for night walks if you be good. Oh, he hates it. Oh, did you just see her? She collapsed. She collapsed. Oh, my god. Socks, please. Come on. This will be fun if you just give it a shot. Socks indeed did not give it a shot, but Daisy came out onto the balcony. Don’t think about jumping down there. Please, let’s not. I basically use the balcony as a way for her to get more acclimated to being outside. In my mind, once doing this once, I took her outside for real. She will be fine. Well, I made the mistake of taking her out when it was windy at night. She wasn’t a fan of the wind, and she knew which house was ours. She started following you. No, babe, go down the stairs, bro. You know our house. She’s following you. Yay! Go ahead, go down. Go down, Cootie. She indeed did not go down. She knows the way home. So in order to get her to walk, I have to go all the way to the other end, carrying her. She refuses to go Any other direction? I carried her down the stairs, and then she got scared of this plastic bag. She doesn’t want to go up the stairs, even though she didn’t want to come down at first. We will just try again tomorrow. She’s doing 75 soft. Oh, and she weighs 25 pounds.