Writing a Billionaire Romance Novel: Day 6 – A Productive Day in the Home Office

welcome to day 6 of writing a billionaire romance novel with me hi I’m Luna Pierce we are working from my home office today because it was 89 degrees in my office yesterday the AC is not it’s not doing it’s not doing its thing so we are from the home office today it is Saturday I don’t love working from home because I get distracted very easily um it is 2:21 I mean I’ve done a lot of laundry I’ve cleaned the kitchen um I’ve done a lot of like domesticated stuff I’ve also done just a lot of other work email stuff like that on social media stuff I hate that I’m about to say this but uh the writing goal for the day is 6,000 is a big one but we need to make some progress we’re doing great we’re we’re over 15,000 words into the story but I want to stay on track with getting the book done when I want to get the book done so I have plenty of time to do fun stuff between when it’s done and when it releases more more stay tuned one thing is certain I am loving the story I love these characters I love the world I love everything about it um except for the external factors that don’t allow me to write when I want to write but it’s fine everything’s fine I have a giant glass of water a massive cup of blueberry black tea with honey and I’m going to read through the last few paragraphs of London’s chapter the chapter was last and get kind of a feel for where I’m going get a game plan map out 6,000 words we we we’re gonna do it in my head I was like thinking of like future me like doing a voiceover like she did in fact not make 6,000 words what I’m gonna prove you wrong future me intrusive thought alright so here is the game plan I have hour blocks that I would like to hit at least 1,000 I tend to do a little bit more than 1,000 in about 45 minutes though so this is like the worst case scenario and I’m hoping that my overages for all of these will get me to the 6,000 that we need for the day this also budgets about 15 minutes in between for me to regroup with the monster thing that I write on this thing right here also ignore my hand because I’m covering the title of the book and something else and it will allow for potty breaks um I will just eat something after what I have no idea also yes I have to re eat and hydrate otherwise I I just won’t do them I do have these things so the first writing session is done we wrote from 2:42 to 3:29 1,289 words I concluded the London chapter now I have started the Archer chapter and I like where things are going so I’m gonna get right back to it alright we have just written from 3:40 to 4:24 twelve hundred twenty three words we are we are doing okay I also have I have finished drinking my tea it got very cold I did finish it though that was a short archer chapter we get to see a little glimpse of some other aspects of his life in this chapter and some of kind of how he’s feeling and why he’s feeling things I am a little concerned that we are 18,000 words into the story and I feel like it’s only just beginning we’re still in the first 24 hours and this book takes place over a few months and if you’re like I have no idea what 18,000 words means that’s about 66 pages in eight chapters in 66 pages 18,000 words but it’s fine it’s fine I still love it I love the story I’m just concerned that the standalone book is gonna be like 100,000 words I switch the laundry over I brought a basket upstairs I put some more in um and then I put my pee away then I just wrote from 4:45 to 5:31 thirteen hundred ten words we are over thirty eight hundred words for the day which means we’re over halfway to the goal and we are a little ahead of schedule I just wrote from 6:05 to 7:02 that was almost the full hour I got 14 ninety words we are at like 50 three hundred remember when I was crap talking future me saying I wasn’t gonna hit 6 thousand and I’m less than 700 words away and I’m ahead of my schedule that I made for myself and I have almost drank all the water that had also an electrolyte packet in it because hydration yeah I’m going to go switch laundry over drink the rest of my water break and then push for one more session one more session to round out the day also we have crossed the 20,000 word Mark for the story and we are officially three more days into the story so it’s actually four days in so we’re four days into the timeline of the events for the story alright we did it 7:22 to 8:10 1,148 words for a grand total of 6,460 words for the day and we are over an hour and a half ahead of schedule so that means I get to eat dinner at a reasonable time tonight what I’m going to make I have no idea it’s probably gonna honestly be like a bowl of cereal at this point I feel really good about the progress that was made today we are over 22,000 words of the story we are in Chapter 11 right now I clearly know what the next scene in the book is going to be which is really great and I think there’s going to be a lot of great forward momentum here on out which I haven’t had an issue really it it just felt like I was in the first 24 hours for a long time and now we’re gonna start rocking and rollin I also have two loads of laundry to fold and put away and I also wash the sheets on my bed so I need to put those back on too and I still want to vacuum and I need to uh get the grocery list together for tomorrow it was a great day though so I’m so excited also if you made it through this entire thing um you deserve like a cookie or something least like a forehead kiss