Surviving a Plane Crash: Finding Peace and Humor in Near-Death Experiences

I almost died in a plane crash back in February and in retrospect it’s honestly kinda funny just because of how scared I was of flying to begin with I had come to terms with the fact that there was nothing I could do and it was like a peaceful moment I don’t know how to explain it other than that and if you’ve had a near death experience maybe you felt it too I just literally thought wow the impossible is happening I actually can’t believe this my worst nightmares coming true so I have wanted to pursue this airline for a while not only for the trauma that they put me through but the aftermath like they lost my luggage and everyone in my family’s luggage we couldn’t we still haven’t been reimbursed for what we had to buy in a different country just to get by until we got our luggage whole thing but anyway moral of the story is maybe exposure therapy actually does work because I haven’t taken a single Xanax and I’ve been on several flights since February so and I’m going on one in a couple weeks so who knows