Dough, Testing, and Delight: A Day in the Life at the Production Facility

You guys are always asking to see more days in my life, so here we go. I feel like they can be a bit boring, but you guys let me know. I’m in California for the week because I’m at the production facility. I started out by doing some final test of a super top secret flavor. I made the dough, scoop them in the pop them in the walk in freezer. This door is my arch nemesis. One thing about the production facility is I can test a million times at home, but once I get here, everything is different. It’s the specific ingredients, it’s using a bigger mixer, making bigger batches. So it’s really important that I come here and we test after they’re completely frozen solid. Baked them and to. The first three batches were not good. So I made another batch. And this time I made a big old batch. I’m actually going to New York next week to celebrate this cookie, so I’m so excited. Hopefully I’ll see you guys there. I scooped out more dough, and this time I was making a whole wrap. My arm was cramping so bad. And it took me back to the or early days when we hand scoop every single cookie. Next I worked on testing the followers flavor. We decided that we’re using dye free Supernatural Softies sprinkles. So I made that dough. At this point, I’ve been here for like eight hours already. So I drank a Junie. It’s like a green tea that my sister sent me. Did some dishes because I always, always, always clean up. I grew up working in restaurants, so dishes is actually very therapeutic. By the time I was done with that, the other dough was chilled. I packed these up to show my sister how they looked in the bag. I sent her over some videos and brought these to my roommate because she was letting me stay with her, I guess my ex roommate. That makes me sad. But my old college roommate. And by the time she came to pick me up, I was exhausted. After these long days in the kitchen, you just need a shower. I am so grateful for the people who do this every day for us. We went and got some pho because I was starving. I’d had, like, a million cookies this point. And then headed to bed. It was such a good day.