Title: The Dangers of Buying a Car with a Wrap: A Costly Lesson Learned with the Mustang GT3 50

This is the exact reason why you don’t want to buy a car that has already been wrapped. So a buddy of mine just bought this Mustang GT3 50, and he got a really good deal on it. It was wrapped in satin black, and he wanted to unwrap it. Lo and behold, right when we started taking off the wrap, already paint is just getting stripped off. You can see that they didn’t even primer this. And paint is just coming off like paper off this thing. To make matters worse, the bumper wasn’t even painted at all. Just a raw Mustang bumper. Check that out. You come to this side. The quarter panel was also painted. And man, just look how it’s just cheap and done so poorly. It’s happening all the way up here on these pillars, just all bad. And I tell people all the time, do not buy a car if it has a wrap on it. Make sure that it gets unwrapped before you even consider purchasing it. Now my buddy has to go back to the guy he bought it from, try to get money out of him to pay for these repairs. And yeah, man, it’s just a shitty situation. But yeah, like I said, don’t buy a car that’s wrapped. If you do, it’s a very risky play. In this Mustang’s case, you’re gonna have to pay four, five, six thousand dollars to repair all these body panels.