Navigating Anxiety: A Week of Overwhelm and Mindful Moments

Overwhelming amount of anxiety this week. And when I get like this a lot of things. That’s every week? That’s every week? No, I’m always at like a 90% anxiety level. This was 100. So I was like palpitations, I couldn’t eat, and I was over stimulated. Okay, right. And itchy. And a lot. Really itchy. You’re sitting there. Do you ever forget how to breathe? It’s happened once. It’s so scary. But mine was in a body of water. I feel like that’s semi normal. That. That I understand. It sounds like you were playing a video game and you absolutely just about dropped. I was really sitting on my couch, doom scrolling. And then I started to think about my breath, right? And I was like, I never knew. Is this the point to inhale? Is this the point to exhale? Where are we at? What are we doing? You know, do you ever get that way? I get that same way with sounds. You forget how to hear with sonic things. And I’m so serious in songs. You forget how to hear. I forget how to hear words. Explain. So it’s like during a rap song, right? If there’s a nice little Bing, yeah, Bing, yeah, Bing in the background. If I laser in on the Bing, I don’t even hear the artist.