The Great Spoon Search: A Tale of Trials and Triumphs

Alright, so you gotta find the spoon. It’s one of these six, and I’m gonna get it. It’s this one. Damn it. Come on. This one. Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. It’s gotta be this one. Okay, okay, okay. Alright. I wanna get it in one attempt, though. This one is the spoon. Damn it. That one’s the spoon. Okay, we got it in two attempts. That’s all right. Come on. Can we get it in one attempt? Which one is the spoon? This guy. That’s a knife, Nicholas, that is a knife. That is also. Wait. Oh, no. Wait, what? We got forks and knives now? Oh, my god. That was. That was not good. Come on, one attempt. Which one? Damn it! Dang it! Where is the freaking spoon? Oh, my god. No way I’m this bad, bro. Oh, my. The more I play, the worse I’m getting. This game is gotta be rigged. Wait a second. We did it! Yeah!