Win a Brand New iPad and AirPods – Free Giveaway on TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram!

I’m giving away a brand new iPad and, um, AirPods totally free. So I bought myself a pink iPad the other day and, um, I thought it’d be amazing to do a giveaway with one. So obviously I haven’t opened them or anything like that, and I’m not going to. You can tell here I haven’t opened it. And if you can do that yourself once you’ve won it, I know this will probably mean a lot to someone if they did win it. Literally all you have to do is follow me on TikTok. Follow me on my backup TikTok. Follow me on Snapchat and Instagram. I have done a lot, done a post on Snapchat and the winner is gonna be picked within 24 hours. This is 100% free. You’ve just gotta follow me. And when you go onto my Snapchat, if you watch my story, there’s a post. I’ll show you the post on my Snapchat. It does have a bit of writing on it and it tells you exactly what to do. Um, which is literally just pop up. Just pop up once, obviously doing everything. I will check once I pick the winner. I will check to make sure that you have followed me on everything. Otherwise the winner will go on to someone else. And guys, I didn’t get gifted this or anything like that. Before someone says oh, like you probably didn’t. Like, honestly, I did not get gifted. I did not get Gifted this one. I bought them both. I wanted this one. And then I thought about you guys with this one. I genuinely do like giving back, so that is the reason why I do the things I do. Some people call me stupid, but I don’t really care. It’s what it is. I enjoy doing what I do. And I love you all. And I would be where I am today if it weren’t for you guys. So, yeah.