Chicago Adventures: A Day at Wrigley Stadium with Mom and Bro

Hello, everyone, and welcome to a little tiny golden hour. Fit check. Guess where I am exactly? North Dakota. I’m just kidding. I’m in Chicago. Um, my mom, my brother. Oop, I think this is them. They’re returning from an architectural boat tour that I did not go on because I had a panic attack. Haha, classic. Any whosels? We’re gonna go to a Cubs game now at Wrigley Stadium, which I’m so excited about. It’s a little vintage Cubs Jersey. I think it’s, um, from eBay. I don’t really know. Anyway, jeans. And then little girly pop moment. I’m wearing little teeny, tiny kitten heels to the baseball game because I’m crazy. I don’t know. Anyway, look at this little jacket. I stole it from an ex boyfriend when I was 20 years old. Who knows? It’s gonna be adorable. The game. This is my mom’s jacket. It’s a little cubbies. Pull over. Anyway, their boats arriving now. Look at how cute. I’m gonna go get my mom, my brother, and I’m gonna eat a hot dog.