Startling Encounter: The Knife Incident and the Implications of Personal Safety

Good morning. I pulled a knife on someone last night. Yeah, listen to this. Non-human. Oh, my god. The fuck? This man is right behind me. Can you see him? He’s right behind me. He stopped and now he’s right behind me. Can I help you? Mm hmm. Ну е what’s the problem, dirtbag? Are you waiting for me? So keep walking. What the fuck is the problem? You follow me a block behind you think I’m stupid or what? Keep it fucking moving, baby. I’m not the fucking one. I have a knife in my hand. Do not come near me, bro. Go home, bro. From that way, he followed me from that way. I felt like I was like, why is this dude breathing up my neck? Very close behind me. And I stopped and I was like, oh, maybe he’ll just go past me. And he didn’t. He hovered. Stop right there. He stopped right there and hovered in front of me. And I. He just like, stopped and looked at me. And I was like, are you good? Like, do you need help? Cause I didn’t want to make any assumptions. And then I walked like an avenue down, and he just kept following me. And I was like, Yo, I cannot be going crazy right now. And then I stopped right here, and he stopped right there and was just watching me. Women should not be forced to defend themselves like this. Ever. But yet, Here we are because we can’t mind our business. We can’t stay away from them. And this is where we’re at. Not only just in America, but in the world. Good job, men. Good job.