The Impact of Oversized Vehicles on Safety and the Environment in the United States

Have cars gotten too big in the United States? Yes. One of the main selling points of these giant SUVs and trucks is that they’re safer, right? Like, they’re supposed to protect you better in a crash. it turns out that these things are doing way more damage to the world than they are helping anyone. For every life that the heaviest one percent of SUVs and trucks save, there are more than a dozen lives lost in other vehicles. I mean, just listen to this. The fatality rate is roughly seven times higher when colliding with a heavy pickup truck than with a compact car. As the weight of your car increases, the risk of unaliving others increases dramatically. This red line right here is fatalities per two vehicle crashes. And it increases exponentially with every thousand pounds that you add to a vehicle. For everyone in my comments that says it’s the driver, not the car, here is some data that shows you the car that you drive matters a lot. And the very top of this line right here is 7,000 pounds. And you know what weighs 7,000 pounds? That’s right. Everybody’s favorite truck weighs 7,000 pounds and accelerates faster than a Porsche. So this quote from Elon Musk about the cyber truck feels pretty gross. Now, if you’re ever in an argument with another car, you will win. But the F ONE FIFTY Lightning also weighs between 6,000 and 7,000 pounds, so it’s not really any better. Also, big Thank you to Eric for the three coffees. If you’d also like to buy a coffee, there’s a link in my bio. Thanks for watching.