Aloha Rhythm: A Taste of Hawaii Party Experiences

Tell me you had one party in Hawaii without telling me you had a party in Hawaii. We get song smoke. Me not go. Hey, baby, you wanna make your plate? Are you sure? Pertama ITU salmon. And your boy. That’s the one. Oh, there is mushrooms in there. Happy birthday, Tito. That’s a, um, chicken long rice. I like when I get, like, taste of ginger. Oh, my salmon. That’s fire. Oh, yeah. I never know that. Well, I thought that was green onion. You can always taste the. I know, right? 一二一二一二一二一二一 二一二一二一二一二一二一二一二一二一二一二一二二一二一二二一二二一二二 二二二二二二二二二二二二 二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二 二二二I need a trick on how to eat this like how do you grab it I know how to do best snap snap snap snap snap snap snap snap