Life as a Heavy Equipment Operator in the Coal Mines: Insights, Tips, and Experience

What are you doing? How much do you make? Heavy equipment operator in the coal mines are about 1 50 to 1 70 ish around that much so you’re qualified? Yeah. Yeah. Digger up digger up dozer up all the how long you’ve been in the mines for seven or 8 years. Yeah. How did you get in? Cause it’s pretty hard industry to get into what was your how did you do it? What was your process? Uh, normally you gotta know someone to sort of get into it but I got lucky just by applying online and just going through the recruitment process so can be done can be yeah, very rarely. Yeah. What time does your day start? When you’re out about 5:30 and then finishes at 6 so big days. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Any advice to anyone that’s keen to do this? Um, it’ll take a while to get into um, just sort of keep hitting your recruitment agencies up and just just stay really really keen and you’ve been in it for a while what’s the culture like? Some sites is pretty bad pretty pretty terrible but the site I’ve been at last couple years is it’s really good like a big family. Is it something that you would recommend to people as a job while you’re young? Especially it’d be a bit hard when you when you get a family and kids but like being a being away but um, while while you’re young To make to make some money and really try and get ahead. Cause it’s so hard to do. I’d, I’d, I’d recommend it. Yeah. Yeah, good on you. But we are a jobs app called Get Ahead. So we are all about helping people to get ahead. So you can swipe, match, chat and hire all throughout app. We just want to make it more enjoyable.