Stay Safe in Hollywood: Trusting Your Gut and Recognizing Scams

staying safe now there are two things that have I’ve always said to myself while working in the entertainment space and that was if it’s too good to be true it is and always trust your gut by now the whole world knows just how scummy and gross and scammy Hollywood can be and how everyday there are tons of creeps and predators that make their way into the business to take advantage of people imagine you come across somebody that says hey I wanna make you a movie star and millionaire and you don’t have to do anything you don’t owe me anything doesn’t that sound a little suspicious because if it sounds too good to be true it usually is and these types of people they plan your greatest wants and needs and twisted so that they trick you into doing things you would never do otherwise stop think take your time and always trust your gut you know if you get a bad vibe or feeling from someone or situation it’s probably right if your body is screaming get out of there get out of there trusting your gut is something that has never failed me and it’s something that all actors are taught to do in acting class trust your instincts there have been a couple of occasions where I have gone against my gut feeling and I regret doing so just stay safe out there and listen to yourself really