The Superiority of Driving Manual: A Lover’s Tale of Total Control, Respect, and Pure Fun Behind the Wheel

Reasons why driving manual is so much better than driving automatic. Let’s get into it. Reason number one total control. When it comes to manual, you’re the one driving the car. It’s all you. When it comes to automatic transmissions, you’re nothing special. The computer is doing everything for you. Which leads me to my second point. The respect you get, especially when it comes to driving cool cars, American muscle, JDM, whatever you’re into driving a manual. Your respect is just so much higher in the community than driving an auto. Don’t even get me started on how much fun it is to drive a manual over than an automatic. Like every single time I hop in this thing I feel like I’m in a race car. Or even downshifting. That crispy crackle of the exhaust. I mean, I’ll take a manual downshift over any other sound here. And autos, they’re just so boring. Yeah, sure they’re faster and easier to drive, but what’s the point of actually driving a car if you’re just pressing a throttle? Another cool perk manual comes with is anti theft. Like thieves really don’t know how to drive manual, so having this is a big advantage than having an auto. Of course, knowing how to drive manual is a dying breed. I mean, there’s just a select few that know how to. Tell me, what do you think? Do you prefer driving manual or automatic?