Better Basics: The Ultimate Guide to No-Bake Cheesecake with 5 Ingredients

Welcome back to Better Basics! Today I’m gonna give you all my tips and tricks to make an amazing no bake cheesecake with just 5 main ingredients! And once you’ve got this recipe, you can pretty much make any cheesecake you like! For the base, just mix together crushed biscuits and melted butter. Digestive biscuits are a classic, but any biscuit will work. Just add enough butter so it holds together but isn’t too soggy. Next you need cream cheese. I’d really recommend using a nice thick one as some are just too watery and just won’t set as well. Add icing sugar, then add any flavours you like such as vanilla, melted chocolate, Nutella. Most add ins will work as long as they’re pretty solid when in the fridge. Now whip double cream to stiff peaks and fold it in the mix. Should be super thick here. If it’s not, you’ve probably over mixed or added something too runny. If you want to add something runny like a fruit fruit fruit puree, you can add in gelatin too. Scoop it onto your base and press down well. This will get rid of any air bubbles, smooth out the top. I use a palette knife here, but if you’re gonna add a topping just make it flat. Now put it in the fridge. I’d recommend chilling it overnight, but 6 hours minimum please. For the whipped cream in topping, I actually prefer to use Elmer’s. It’s hard to over whip And it pipes really nicely. Use your favourite piping tip, then put the piping bag over a glass and scoop in the whipped cream. Twist the top, then I like to secure it with a clip. Now the hard part getting the cheesecake out of the tin. Carefully run a knife around the edge, then unclip it and lift it off. It’s like a game of operation. You can always fill any gaps and smooth the edges afterward. Pipe on the whipped cream or pour over a topping such as melted biscoff spreads. That’s one of my favourite. Slice up using a sharp knife and serve. Try not to drop it like I did. It was still edible. So that’s it. All the basics down so you can add all the flavours and toppings you like. Enjoy!