Unbelievable Prices: The Absurdity of Luxury Watches and the End of Capitalism

You’ll never believe how much this watch costs. I actually know how much this watch costs and I still don’t believe it. This could be the end days of capitalism and people are actually paying this kind of money for this kind of shitter of a watch and I think it’s only right that capitalism comes to an end. Genuinely curious what the turning point was when people started to pay huge amounts of money for absolute garbage. I feel it might be something to do with those stupid Kanye West shoes. Can anybody who’s watching this imagine a situation where a loved one gifts you this watch and you don’t leave them immediately? I’m gonna quickly run over the cost of materials using my insight as the world’s most famous Swiss watchmaker. The silver in the case is probably 150, the movements about 150, the dial and hands are probably $5 and the garnets in the case is probably another $20. That’s me being very generous to the geniuses over at Alabaster Industries who only have one question for why and I don’t say genius lightly. They’re no one hit wonders. What about this lovely watch? This watch is a great watch for introverts. No one will ever ask you the time because they’ll assume you just have jazz on your arm. I’m really sorry for making you guys look at all these fucking horrors. Anyway, this is almost $8,000. Some of the other ones like the jazz wrist one And the Terminator nut sack, they are like 10, 11 thousand dollars. It’s all fucking bonkers to me. I would love if everyone who’s still watching would take a moment, think about the person they hate the most and then pick one of these 4 watches and let us know in the comments which one you’d like to give to that person. And as always, go and subscribe to the world’s No. 1 watch podcast at Robin the Regulator Show with myself and my good mate Rob. He’s an XAP watchmaker. Go and give him a follow on TikTok.