How to say I should have thought of that? Oh well, see, I should have. J’aurais dû now how do we get this so j’aurais dû is what we call the conditional past le conditionnel passé of the verb devoir. To have to j’aurais du je devais I had to becomes j’aurais du. I should have. J’aurais du. Now how are we going to express thought of that? J’aurais du. We’re going to use the verb pensee. Is it pensee ah or pensee du? It is pensee ah. Pensee du is when you have an opinion about something. Pensee ah is when it’s just on your mind. J’aurais du e pensee. We use the pronoun e to simplify the phrase. So instead of saying j’aurais du penser a ce probleme na na na na na, you can simplify it to j’aurais du penser a e. J’aurais dû y penser. Alternatively, you can also say J’aurais dû penser à ça. J’aurais dû penser à ça. If you’re having trouble with conjugation or pronouns like e or on, don’t sudon okel ulala or Le Subjonctif, the famous, famous terrifying subjunctive. Well guess what, it doesn’t have to be terrifying. I have 3 master classes to help demystify the French language for you. Coming from a native speaker who does not have any background in French. I Learned it all myself as a child and a young adult, so I am here to help you make sense of this language. And right now I have a 30% off discount for LA Rentree, a back to school sale, so take advantage of that with the link in my bio. The discount code is ahonte 2024 and you can get a 30% discount on all 3 of my master classes. Should have woulda, coulda, everyday subjunctive, and the French pronouns. Master class adiento.