Studded Flare Pants: A Study in Bold Denim and Unique Design

I just made these pants. Let’s talk about them. Okay. This is a pair of studded flares made from a 13 ounce bold denim. I absolutely love how these turned out. Like, that’s so fun there. The shape turned out amazing. I let myself go loose with the stitching and kind of just did some messy stitching. And adds to the character. I think as they get worn in, that’ll create some depth, and I think that’s fun. The back of these, I actually did the denim inside out. Kind of see a slight difference from the back and the front. It also makes the pocket and the strap kind of pop more. The belt loops are also done inside out. I think it adds more character, so I’m happy with that. They fit me great. It’s kind of a relaxed flare. It’s not, like, super tight up top or super tight on the knee. I like it slimmer as well, but I think these are just a comfortable, like, everyday look. And I’m just so happy with the studs. And they look cool just, like, sticking around there. But, yeah, here’s the pants. Very happy with them. They sit great on the shoes. I really like working with this bold denim. It’s super nice. I’ll show you a flat leg. See the studs? They turned out really nice. Here’s that stitching I was talking about. It kind of just gives it some extra character. Shape. Looks really nice. Here’s The back, you can kind of see a difference between where the strap is in the bottom. This is one of my favorite parts. I had this, like, strap thing come up into the pocket and kind of disappear. I just like the angle there. I also really like how this yoke came out. It kind of just, like, cuts in and stays there at the E and the belt loops. I’m super happy with these. Let me know what you think about them and if you would want a pair.