Cracking the Code of Overspending: A Story of Food Shopping and Budgeting

I am absolutely disgusted in myself. 902 pound is what I spent on food in August. Now, I was gonna sit here and blame it on the kids being off school and obviously being home for six weeks and eat me out of house and home, but at the end of this video, I actually go back into, like, um, July and June months as well, and you can see that I spend just as much money in the same kind of shops even then. So this is like a monthly thing, whereas I’ve just avoided going through my bank account for a very long time and. But actually see what I’m spending my money on. But ultimately, I am like skin every single month at the end of the month, and I’m not bringing anything new into the house. So I. I kind of knew that I was spending a lot of money on food. And the reason for that is, I have spoken about it before on my page, but I never really got taught how to do a proper food shop. I’ve never known how people manage to do a weekly or monthly food shop. That’s just not been me. And because I live in town, I shop daily in places like Poundland, M&S, icones and so on, which is why it’s so expensive, because I literally shop every single day. So I’ve been thinking about adding a batch cooking series to my page. So you guys Could come along on my next journey with me as well.