Recognized in the Yachting Industry: Social Media Encounters and Awkward Encounters

you know what’s crazy is when people recognize me from social media right you know it’s even crazier when people in the yachting industry recognize me from social media because it’s either one of these and they come up and say hi like normal people right they come up and say hi and they’re nice they’re nice or it’s one of these like what why are you mean mugging me like I just threw your watermelon strawberry blueberry bubblegum kiwi flavored vape overboard right I didn’t do it you could just not do anything I always think it’s so sweet when people come up and say hi I love it you know some people are like oh my God I’m so sorry I don’t wanna be annoying you’re not you’re not I love it hello how are you what are you doing in the yachting industry even if you’re not in the yachting industry cool that you found my content that you like my content that’s awesome to be mean about it little weird calm down my contents not for everyone and you don’t have to like my content that’s not what I’m saying I’m not forcing it down your throat you know anyways Happy Labor Day haha