Drama Unfolds: The Friendship Fallout Between Ice Spice and Cleo Trappa

Ice Spice and Cleo Trappa look like they are no longer friends. They have unfollowed each other on Instagram. And this happens literally right after they’re like, off of tour. Like, tour literally just finished. Because if you didn’t know, Cleo Trappa was at the Y2K tour. She was one of the openers. And a while ago she posted saying can’t wait till this tour is over. And now there’s a leaked audio that came out of Cleo Trappa speaking about her friendship with Ice Spice and how Ice Spice didn’t want her to, like, post a video of her song with Ice Spice in it because she was saying that the fans didn’t see her in that outfit. And she’s like, but that outfit, like, doesn’t even matter. You have the same look that was in the video, you just have a new top and bottom, like, and she barely showed the outfit off in that promo video anyway. And Ice Spice, like, wanted her to wait until her song came out so that then she could post her promo video. But it was like, why would I wait? I need the promo video to be posted now because I’m trying to promote my song. So she posted the video and it looked like Ice Spice was not trying to support her at all after that. Like, she wasn’t gonna post a song, she wasn’t gonna repost the video or anything like that. So she was saying how they’re Not best friends. And that if they were best friends, why would she have to get to Ice Spice’s manager to ask her to be in her video? Cause she never showed up for the Rockstar music video that she was supposed to be in. And then I guess a lot of people have been thinking that she was getting paid to be on tour. So she ended up replying and said, y’all thinking I got paid is hilarious. I was played, betrayed and unpaid. I never had a problem with not being paid, by the way. I knew. I just want everyone to stop thinking I was paid cause I wasn’t. Which I’m wondering if, like, all openers just don’t get paid or what is going on there? Because why wouldn’t you be getting paid? Like, I mean, you’re performing. Like, I’m confused. Or do you just make money off, like, merch and whatever you sell from your, like, merch stand and stuff like that?